Job Opportunities
President Barack Obama and staff watch the U.S. vs Belgium World Cup soccer game being televised in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building South Court Auditorium, July 1, 2014. Photo by Pete SouzaJoin Obama Alumni LinkedIn
We strongly encourage Obama Alumni to join and use the Obama Alumni LinkedIn Page: Obama Alumni LinkedIn. This is the best way to find Obama alums who work in specific sectors and states, find job opportunities or find great alums to fill jobs that you know about!
There are many different forums for finding and sharing job opportunities. Check out our recommendations below:
1. Join Obama Alumni on LinkedIn – Click here to request permission to join the group.
2. Have job opportunities to share? If you have job opportunities that you would like to send to Obama Alumni, Hillary Alumni, or other networks of progressive allies, please:
- Use an email subject line that specifies the employer, title of the job, or the field/discipline it is in, and the current date (e.g. “Sierra Club – Field Director – 12.06.16”).
- Email it to: [email protected]
3. Seeking job opportunities? To see job opportunities, click the link below (please note that this is NOT a private google group you need to join, it’s a link/forum group to which anyone can send posts):
4. Progressive Sites with Jobs: There are many great resources that aggregate progressive job opportunities amongst different networks and sectors. Check out the recommended sites below and let us know if you know of others that can be featured:
- Job Board: Progress in America
- Devex: International Development Jobs
- The Campaign Workshop: Political Campaign Jobs
- Arena Careers: Campaign Job Platform
- Mobilize America: Political Jobs