
We’re Running!
“All we need are decent, honest, hard-working people who are accountable and who have America’s best interests at heart. And they’ll step up and they’ll join our government, and they will make things better if they have support." - President Obama
It is thrilling to see so many from this community seek to contribute by running for office, just as Barack Obama did more than 20 years ago. Recognizing that we share a set of values and experiences but not necessarily all of the same views, the Alumni Association sees our role as spreading awareness of alumni candidates, not endorsing them.
Support or learn about any of the candidates below by clicking on their website. If you are an alum running for office, let us know! Click here to be included on this list. And make sure to check out our Resources to Run.

New Jersey Andy Kim
Visit WebsiteOffice:
Member of U.S. Senate (D-NJ), Won Senate Seat in 2024
Alumni Experience:
Director for Iraq - White House National Security Council (2013-2015), Iraq Country Director, Policy - Office of the Secretary of Defense (2013), Strategic Adviser to Commanding Generals David Petraeus and John Allen in Afghanistan - Department of Defense (2011), Iraq Foreign Affairs Officer - Department of State (2009-2011)

Ohio Zach Klein
Visit WebsiteOffice:
Columbus, Ohio City Attorney
Alumni Experience:
Deputy Director of Management and Administration - Office of the Vice President (2009)

California Eleni Kounalakis
Visit WebsiteOffice:
Lieutenant Governor of California
Alumni Experience:
U.S. Ambassador to Hungary (2010-2013), Member - National Finance Council (2008)

Virginia Alfonso Lopez
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Virginia State Delegate, District 49
Alumni Experience:
White House Liaison - U.S. General Services Administration (2011), Assistant Administrator for Office of Congressional & Legislative Affairs - U.S. Small Business Administration (2010-2011)

Texas Dexter McCoy
Visit WebsiteOffice:
County Commissioner, Fort Bend County
Alumni Experience:
Special Assistant, Office of the Secretary of Education (2015-2017)

California Nick Melvoin
Visit WebsiteOffice:
Los Angeles Unified School Board Member, District 4
Alumni Experience:
Domestic Policy Council Intern (2013) - The White House, Legal Protection Team Member for Columbus, Ohio (2012)